August 2023
Message from the editor-in-chief
This issue of ESG GAZETA is dedicated to Russia and the latest ESG developments in our country.

To get the full picture, ESG GAZETA talked to experts, companies, and even AI. And we are all surprised at how well that went over! We have also discovered real-life stories of people implementing ESG principles through horizontal linkages, without the involvement of government or large corporations. ESG GAZETA also tried to look into the future and understand how global climate change will affect Russia and what we need to do today to prepare for it.

Read more in the Russia Issue of ESG GAZETA.

Alexander Briskin
Director of ESG Communications Department of Mikhailov and Partners
Table of Contents
What does AI think about Russia’s “sovereign” approach to ESG?
about climate change in Russia
Peculiarities of national ESG
How is Russian business dealing with ESG in 2023?
Made in Russia
Russian Sustainability Calendar 2023
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ESG GAZETA and ESG digest
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Big Chinese number. July 2022
Head of the ESG Alliance in an exclusive interview, Pivoting to the East as an alternative to the Western approach, women’s leadership in China and the "Asian threat" to Russia. About this and more — in a large special issue on ESG in China
Media project by Mikhailov and Partners
© 2021–2023
Alexander Briskin

Director of ESG Communications Department of Mikhailov and Partners

+7 (985) 265-07-22